giovedì 20 gennaio 2011

Crea un dizionario con le parole inglesi

Puoi scegliere di fare qualcosa di più difficile per un amichetto fratellino o cuginetto più grandi

Dovrai sempre mettere e incollare le immagini seguendo l'ordine alfabetico o se non sei ancora in grado, puoi
metterle in ordine alfabetico solo con l'iniziale per cui le prime pagine saranno dedicate alla lettera A
le ultime alla lettera Z


Una lista di parole da usare


acacia   accordion   acorn   aeroplane   Africa   afternoon   air   airport   alarm clock   almond   alphabet   ambulance America   amphitheatre   amphora   amusement park   anchor   angel   animal   ant   apple   apricot   April   apron aquarium   archipelago   architect   arm   armchair   army   arrow   artist   Asia   astronaut   athlete   athletics   atlas attic   aubergine   August   autumn   axe


back   badminton   baker   balance   balcony   ball   balloon   bamboo   banana   bank   barber   barrel   basin   -basket basket   basketball   bat   bath salts   bathroom   beach   beach umbrella   beam   bean   bear   beard   bed   bedroom bedside table   bee   beehive   beer   beetle   bell   bell tower   belly   belt   best wishes   bicycle   bin   bingo binoculars   bird   biscuit   black   blackberry   blackboard   blanket   blue   boat   body   bolt   bomb   bone   bonnet book   bookshelf   bottle   bottom   bow   bow   boxing   bracelet   bracket   bread   break   brick   bridge   briefcase broom   brother   brow   brown   brush   bucket   bucket   buffer   bull   bus   bush   butter   butterfly   button


cabbage   cable car   cactus   cake   calendar   camel   camera   canary   candle   caprice   car   car park   caravan carnival   carpet   carriage   carriage   carrot   cart   cart   cartoon   cascade   casket   castle   cat   ceiling   celery chain   chair   chalk   champion   cheek   cheese   cherry   chess   chewing gum   chick   chicken   child   chin   chips chocolate   choir   chopping board   chopsticks   Christmas decoration   church   cinema   circus   city   clarinet   class cloud   clown   coach   coal   coal stove   coat   coat rack   cock   coffee   coin   cold   colour   comb   comet   comic compass   composer   computer   continent   cook   cooking pot   copper   cosmonaut   country   courgette   cousin   cow crab   crane   crocodile   crop   crossword   crow   crown   crumb   crying   cucumber   cup   cup   cutlery   cycling cypress


daisy   dance   dancer   date   day   December   deer   dentist   desert   desk   desk   dessert   detergent   dictionary dining-hall   dinosaur   dishwasher   dive   diver   diving mask   doctor   dog   doll   dolphin   dominoes   donkey   door door handle   doorbell   dormitory   down   dragon   dragonfly   drawer   drawing   dress   drink   driver   drug   drum drumstick   duck   duckling   dummy   dwarf


eagle   ear   earring   earth   earthworm   easel   egg   eight   eighty   elephant   eleven   enjoy your meal   enjoy your trip   entry phone   envelope   Eskimo   Europe   evening   exclamation mark   exercise book   exhaust pipe   eye


face factory faggot fairy fairy tale family fan fan farm farm worker farmer father Father Christmas fawn February feeding bottle felt-tip pen fence fencing fifty fig finger fir tree fire firefighter fireplace fireworks fish fisherman fishing fishing rod five flag flamingo floor  flour flower flower box flute fly fog folding chair foot football footballer footpath footprint forehead fork fork forty fountain four fox Friday friend frog fruit frying pan fungus funicular railway funnel


galaxy   game   game   garden   garlic   gazelle   geography   ghost   giant   gift   giraffe   glass   glass   glasses globe   glove   glue   gnome   goat   gold   goldsmith   good evening   good morning   good night   gorilla   grandfather grape   grapefruit   grass   grasshopper   green   grey   grotto   guitar   gymnasium   gymnastics


hail   hair   hairdresser   hall   ham   hammer   hand   hand towel   handbag   handgun   handkerchief   happy birthday happy Easter   Happy New Year   harbour   harp   hat   have a nice time   hawk   hay   hay loft   hazelnut   head   heart

hedgehog   helicopter   heron   hiccup   hide-and-seek   hippopotamus   history   hoe   holly   honey   hoop   horse horse-racing   horseshoe   hospital   hot-air balloon   hotel   house   house shoe   hundred   hunter


ibex   ibis   ice   ice cream   ice skate   igloo   index finger   ink   iron   island


jam   January   jeans   jetty   journey   joy   judge   jug   jug   juggler   juice   July   June   jungle


kangaroo   key   kilogram   kilometre   king   kiosk   kitchen   kite   kiwi fruit   knee   knife   knight   knot


ladder   ladybird   lake   lamb   lamp   lantern   lawn   lawnmower   leaf   left   lemon tree   lentil   leopard   lesson letter   lettuce   library   lifebuoy   lift   lighthouse   lightning   linen   lion   lip   lizard   lock   locomotive lorry   lotus   loudspeaker   lumberjack


macaroni   machine gun   magnet   magpie   mailbox   maize   mammoth   man   mandarin   mandolin   map   marbles   March marketplace   marmot   Mars   match   mathematics   May   meat   mechanic   medal   medicine cabinet   melon   Merry Christmas   merry-go-round   meteor   microphone   milk   million   millipede   mime artist   mirror   missile   mitten mobile phone   mole   Monday   monkey   month   moon   morello cherry   morning   mosque   mosquito   mother   motor boat motorcycle   mountain   mountain guard   mountaineering   moustache   mouth   movie   museum   music


nail   nail   napkin   nappy   navel   neck   necklace   needle   nest   net   nettle   New Year's Day   newspaper
newsstand   night   nightcap   nine   ninety   nose   notebook   November   number   nurse   nursery school


oak   oar   ocean   Oceania   October   octopus   oil   oil cruet   old man   Olympic Games   on   one   onion   opera orange   orange   orbit   orchestra   organ   ostrich   oven


padlock   paediatrician   page   pagoda   paint roller   painter   painting   palette   palm tree   panda   panties   paper paper plane   parachute   parcel   park   parrot   partridge   party   pea   peace   peach   pear   pen   pencil   penguin peninsula   pepper   pepper   persimmon   pestle   pharmacy   pheasant   photo frame   piano   piece of furniture   pig pigeon   pillar   pilot   pin   pine   pine cone   pineapple   pink   piping   pirate   pixie   pizza   plait   planet plate   playing cards   plum   poem   poet   points   police   policeman   polygon   pomegranate   pool ladder   post   post box   postcard   potato   pram   prince   prize   puddle   pulley   pump   pumpkin   puppet   pyjamas   pylon   pyramid


queen   question mark


rabbit   radiator   radio   raft   rag   rail   rain   rainbow   rake   raspberry   raven   receiver   recorder   redreferee   refrigerator   reindeer   remote control   restaurant   rhinoceros   ribbon   rice   right   ring   ring   river road sign   roast   rock   rocking horse   roller skates   roof   roof tile   root   rope   rose   roundabout   rowing rubber   rubber   rubber dinghy   rubbish   ruin   ruler   running   rush


sack   saddle   sadness   safe   sailing ship   sailor   salad   salt   sand   sandal   sandwich   satellite dish   Saturday saw   saxophone   scarecrow   scarf   school   school caretaker   school diary   schoolchild   scissors   scorpion   screw screwdriver   sculptor   sea   seagull   seal   September   seven   seventy   sewing machine   shark   sheaf   sheep   sheet shelter   shepherd   ship   ship's wheel   shirt   shoe   shoemaker   shovel   shower   sickle   sideboard   sign   silver sister   six   sixty   skateboard   skating   ski   ski boot   ski lift   ski pole   skipping rope   skirt   skittle   sky sky blue   sleep   sleeping bag   sleepyhead   sleigh   slide   slipper   smoke   snack   snail   snake   snow   snowman snowplough   soap   sock   sock   sofa   song   spacecraft   spade   spaghetti   spider   spider's web   sponge   spoon spring   spring   square   squirrel   stadium   stain   stamp   stapler   star   station   statue   steak   stick   sticking plaster   stirrup   stomach   stone   stone   stool   stork   stove   strainer   strawberry   street   streetlight submarine   sugar   suitcase   summer   sun   Sunday   supermarket   swallow   swan   sweater   sweet   sweet   swimming swimming costume   swimming pool   swing   sword   synagogue   syrup


table   table tennis bat   tablecloth   tablet   tail   tank   tap   tea   teacher   teacher's desk   teapot   tear   teddy
bear   telephone   television   tempera paint   temple   ten   tennis   tennis racket   tent   terminus   theatre thermometer   thirty   thousand   three   thumb   Thursday   tie   tiger   tile   toilet   tomato   tongs   tongue   tool tooth   toothbrush   toothpaste   top hat   tower   toy   toy car   toy soldier   tractor   trading card   traffic lights  train   tram   treasure   tree   triangle   tricycle   trolley   trousers   trumpet   trunk   T-shirt   Tuesday   tulip tunnel   turkey   turtle   twelve   twenty   two


umbrella   uncle   underground   unicorn   unicycle


vacuum cleaner   vase   vegetable   vet   video game   vinegar   violet   violin   volcano   volleyball


wall   wallet   walnut   war   wardrobe   washing machine   wasp   waste container   wastepaper basket   watch   watchtower water   water lily   water polo   water-bottle   watering can   watermelon   wave   weather vane   Wednesday   well   whale wheel   wheelbarrow   whip   whirl   whistle   white   wild boar   wind   wind band   windmill   windmill   window   wing winner   winter   witch   wizard   wolf   woman   wood   wood   wood   woodpecker   world   writer




yawn   year   yellow   yoghurt   youth   yo-yo


zebra   zero   zigzag   zoo

E se hai un amichetto albanese, rumeno, marocchino o di un altra nazione?

Puoi trovare un sacco di parole in  tante altre lingue  qui

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